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foxy    音标拼音: [f'ɑksi]
a. 如狐的,狡猾的,赤褐色的


adj 1: marked by skill in deception; "cunning men often pass for
wise"; "deep political machinations"; "a foxy scheme"; "a
slick evasive answer"; "sly as a fox"; "tricky Dick"; "a
wily old attorney" [synonym: {crafty}, {cunning}, {dodgy},
{foxy}, {guileful}, {knavish}, {slick}, {sly}, {tricksy},
{tricky}, {wily}]

Foxy \Fox"y\, a.
1. Like or pertaining to the fox; foxlike in disposition or
looks; wily; cunning.
[1913 Webster]

Modred's narrow, foxy face. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]

2. Having the color of a fox; of a yellowish or reddish brown
color; -- applied sometimes to paintings when they have
too much of this color.
[1913 Webster]

3. Having the odor of a fox; rank; strong smelling.
[1913 Webster]

4. Sour; unpleasant in taste; -- said of wine, beer, etc.,
not properly fermented; -- also of grapes which have the
coarse flavor of the fox grape.
[1913 Webster]

5. Attractive in a sexually appealing way; --of women.

6. Stylish and sexually attractive; -- of women's clothing;
as, wearing a foxy new outfit. [Slang]

119 Moby Thesaurus words for "foxy":
Byzantine, Machiavellian, Machiavellic, Titian, acute, adust,
alluring, arch, artful, astute, attractive, auburn, bay,
bay-colored, bayard, besmirched, blackened, brazen, bronze,
bronze-colored, bronzed, brownish-red, cagey, cagy, calculating,
canine, canny, castaneous, chestnut, chestnut-brown, clever,
copper, copper-colored, coppery, crafty, cunning, cupreous, cute,
darkened, deceitful, deep, deep-laid, designing, devious,
diplomatic, discolored, dishonest, disingenuous, doggy, feline,
ferruginous, foxed, foxlike, guileful, henna, ingenious, inky,
insidious, inventive, knowing, liver-brown, liver-colored,
livid-brown, lupine, mahogany, murky, pawky, plotting, politic,
ready, reddish-brown, resourceful, roan, rubiginous, rufous,
russet, russety, rust, rust-colored, rusty, scheming, seductive,
serpentine, sexy, sharp, shifty, shrewd, slick, slippery, sly,
smirched, smoky, smooth, snaky, sneaky, soiled, sophistical,
stained, stealthy, stigmatic, stigmatiferous, stigmatized,
strategic, subtile, subtle, sunburned, supple, tactical, tainted,
tarnished, terra-cotta, trickish, tricksy, tricky, vulpine, wary,
wily, wise, wolfish

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