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centre    音标拼音: [s'ɛntɚ]
n. 中心,中心点,中锋
a. 中央的,位在正中的
vt. 集中,定中心
vi. 居中


中心 CTR


n 1: a low-lying region in central France
2: an area that is approximately central within some larger
region; "it is in the center of town"; "they ran forward into
the heart of the struggle"; "they were in the eye of the
storm" [synonym: {center}, {centre}, {middle}, {heart}, {eye}]
3: a point equidistant from the ends of a line or the
extremities of a figure [synonym: {center}, {centre}, {midpoint}]
4: a place where some particular activity is concentrated; "they
received messages from several centers" [synonym: {center},
5: the sweet central portion of a piece of candy that is
enclosed in chocolate or some other covering [synonym: {center},
6: the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some
idea or experience; "the gist of the prosecutor's argument";
"the heart and soul of the Republican Party"; "the nub of the
story" [synonym: {kernel}, {substance}, {core}, {center},
{centre}, {essence}, {gist}, {heart}, {heart and soul},
{inwardness}, {marrow}, {meat}, {nub}, {pith}, {sum}, {nitty-
7: the object upon which interest and attention focuses; "his
stories made him the center of the party" [synonym: {center},
{centre}, {center of attention}, {centre of attention}]
8: a cluster of nerve cells governing a specific bodily process;
"in most people the speech center is in the left hemisphere"
[synonym: {center}, {centre}, {nerve center}, {nerve centre}]
9: a building dedicated to a particular activity; "they were
raising money to build a new center for research" [synonym:
{center}, {centre}]
v 1: move into the center; "That vase in the picture is not
centered" [synonym: {center}, {centre}]
2: direct one's attention on something; "Please focus on your
studies and not on your hobbies" [synonym: {concentrate},
{focus}, {center}, {centre}, {pore}, {rivet}]

Center \Cen"ter\, Centre \Cen"tre\ v. i. [imp. & p. p.
{Centered} or {Centred} (s[e^]n"t[~e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n.
{Centering} or {Centring}.]
1. To be placed in a center; to be central.
[1913 Webster]

2. To be collected to a point; to be concentrated; to rest
on, or gather about, as a center.
[1913 Webster]

Where there is no visible truth wherein to center,
error is as wide as men's fancies. --Dr. H. More.
[1913 Webster]

Our hopes must center in ourselves alone. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster] Center

Center \Cen"ter\, Centre \Cen"tre\, v. t.
1. To place or fix in the center or on a central point.
[1913 Webster]

2. To collect to a point; to concentrate.
[1913 Webster]

Thy joys are centered all in me alone. --Prior.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Mech.) To form a recess or indentation for the reception
of a center.
[1913 Webster] Centerbit

centre \cen"tre\, n. & v.
See {Center}. [chiefly British]
[WordNet 1.5]

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